In addition to expressing gratitude for the College’s efforts to keep in touch and send updates to its men in the service, the correspondents shared the pride they had in Muhlenberg–in the quality of their education, the lessons learned from their professors, and the growing reputation of the school. According to Joe Bockrosh ‘36, “I’ve talked Muhlenberg to quite a few boys. In fact, I’ve got a young chap in my outfit from Cal[ifornia] who is very interested in the school….I’d like to have you send him the school catalogue and whatever literature you have. While I’m here, I’ll continue to impress on his mind just what Muhlenberg can do for him. So far I’ve got him sold…” (26 September 1945)
In spite of the meagerness of their military pay, men constantly sent or promised to send a few dollars here and there for the benefit of the College, often with an eye towards supporting a field house (Memorial Hall was not constructed until the 1950s). Per Andrew Diefenderfer ‘40, “I am enclosing a small contribution to the Alumni Fund. I want to assure you that my thoughts return to Muhlenberg constantly. She continues to become more famous and surely has proven her title of the greatest small college in the East. Please convey my regards to Dr. and Mrs. Tyson, ‘Haps’ and ‘Mom’ and all of the Muhlenberg family.” (19 June 1945)
“Glad to hear the Berg has plans for a gym. When this is complete we’ll have a perfect set up. Berg is certainly going to town, and one can really feel proud to have graduated from such a small great college.”(Kermit Kistler ‘38; 13 April 1945)